Sunday, February 28, 2010

Poopy Pants

Dear Diary,
Today, I realized how broke I am (and will be). I was looking in my rearview mirror of my car thinking how dark my brown roots look next to my blonde hair. I started calculating how much it would cost me to fix the problem and how many years it would take me to save enough pennies to get that done.

It's officially March 1st and I'm so excited because I'll be going to New York City soon. I'm crossing my fingers that it's still snowing when I get there. I hear people complain all the time about snow, but for a native Floridian snow is like the Yeti on daytime television. You hear tales about its existence but no one around here has ever seen it.

Also, can anyone explain to me why old men have crust around their mouths? Are they always eating glazed donuts or something? I saw 5 (count it! 5!) old men with some kind of weird white crust around their mouth. I've heard that old label "you crusty old man" but I never realized they actually crust over. It scares me a little to think that happens to people. Or is it JUST men? If so, I'm so glad I have a vagina. It was good for something.

Anyway, I hope tomorrow is a little more exciting. I'm going to an aerobics class (wish me luck) and I hope to have my tax return in the bank (doubtful). Goodnight.

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