Monday, March 8, 2010

Fab, Dahling!

Just got Nim's Island in the mail from Netflix. My Gerard Butler fanaticism continues.

I have failed in finding someone to interview for a class. However!! I am interviewing a friend of mine who has a Facebook following to run for U.S. President in 2010. I hope to get the story on that tomorrow. Will also be doing a story on the Festival of Muses that's being shown locally. The lady from the exhibition center still hasn't e-mailed me and that's annoying. Bollocks! I am getting to really love that word. I feel if I said it out loud it would sound ridiculous with my American accent, but I do enjoy writing it as well.

Poopy the Dog has started snorting and growling in his sleep. He still sleeps right next to my head, tucked against my side, so whenever he makes these noises he wakes me up. I wonder what doggies dream about...

Speaking of dogs, I did a photo shoot with my little puppies today. Here are some photos:
I have to say this last one is my favorite. I was able to get him to make this face when I rub my hand along the side of his snout. I love it! I just kept laughing when I saw the picture.

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